Write something inspired by your blog name (and reveal the meaning behind your blog name)
My first blog follows me on my journey that is the path to fulfill my dream of becoming a published author. I read and review chick lit books and discuss various aspects about the writing process and inspirations from the books I read. I wanted to have a separate blog that was all writing. I wanted a place where I could practice my writing; a place that could possibly motivate and inspire me to write on a daily basis and make (more than) baby steps towards that novel I aim to write someday.
I decided (since I love quotes) that part of my new blog would include a page solely for inspirational, funny and just plain fun quotes about writing. In my search, I came across so many great words. That’s when I decided that my blog had to be titled something either based on one of these quotes, a play on someone’s famous words or verbatim. I first stumbled upon a quote by Graycie Harmon: “Being an author is having angels whisper in your ear - and devils, too” and thought Angels Whispering in My Ear would make an excellent title, but I wasn’t convinced.
I got to thinking about the creative process that writing is and how it truly is an expression of someone’s inner psyche, their hopes, their dreams or even, everything else that is never said. Somehow this brought me to Alice in Wonderland, and how Lewis Carroll created one of the most fantastical lands of children’s play and imagination in one story. I knew Alice had to be a part of my new blog and its title.
Finally, I came across: The most beautiful things are those that madness prompts and reason writes. By Andre Gide and decided my blog must be titled: “madness prompts and reason writes. It made me think of the mad hatter, the crazy psyche and the beautiful art that writing becomes on paper.
From there, I knew my blog wouldn’t be complete (or started) until I had a picture that captured all of this, too, so I took a black and white chessboard (so Alice) and a few kaleidoscope patterned, psychedelic designs in a rainbow of colors and my writing blog was ready to begin.
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